




1. ラブラドールは水遊び好きとは言いますが…

A labrador labradoing what a labradog labrado from r/aww

2. 可愛すぎる鼻にイチコロ

Snoot has permanent boop from r/aww

3. あくびしてただけなのに…

Yawn, interrupted

4. 楽しいデイケアを過ごしたみたい

5. もしや、シロクマさんですか…?

At the time of washing he looks like a polar bear from r/aww

6. 幸せになる薬でも飲んだの?

My friend’s dog ate a pot brownie yesterday from r/funny

7. 息もピッタリ、ワンコトリオ!


8. 目がハート・実写版

This dalmatian has heart shaped spots on his eyes from r/aww

9. 斜め45度のポーズもバッチリ

10. この体勢で眠ります

Bear likes to hold his feet when he sleeps. from r/aww

11. 興味津々

I must study you. from r/aww

12. 子猫を前に、母性本能に目覚めるワンコ

I was given a kitten. My dog thinks it’s her baby. from r/pics

13. 絶景をバックに、ドラマチックにポーズ!

I think I have a new favourite picture of my dog: Bolt! It’s just so majestic! from r/aww

14. 実写版「美女と野獣」少女とワンコ編

15. 強風に煽られた表情がまるで賢者そのもの

The windier it gets, the wiser this dog looks from r/aww

16. 対照的な2頭の表情

Why the long face?

17. オフィスにわんこのいる幸せ

We have an office dog and he visited me today. from r/aww

18. 「まさかうちの子、マフィアのボスに憧れてるとか?」

I think my dog wants to be a mob boss for Halloween from r/aww

19. 羊の皮を被った狼ならぬ、牛の被り物をしたワンコ

My dog made himself a perfect costume by destroying his stuffed cow.. from r/pics

20. 「信じられないものを見ちゃったんだよ…」

Blanket Boy from r/aww

