




1. 口角を上げた笑顔が飼い主さんにそっくり!

He attacc, he protecc, but most importantly… he smile bacc. from r/toofers

2. なんかちょうだい!!デイジーの最大級の笑顔!

By popular demand here’s my lil pup daisy from r/toofers

3. 「新しい家族のゴールデンドゥードルです。ワイルドだ!」

Our new Golden Doodle pup, what a ferocious dog! from r/toofers

4. 「先週引き取ったこの子、何か話しかけたり、ちょっと注意を向けるたびに、私に笑顔を見せてくれるの」

Rescued this pup last week. Any time I talk to her or give her the smallest bit of attention she smiles and shows her toofers! from r/toofers

5. 「オークリーの『僕も入れて』スマイル」

Oakley’s ‘trying to fit in’ smile from r/toofers

6. 銀歯でスマイル!

Crowned toofers from r/toofers

7. 「僕のピットビルのお茶目で可愛いすぎるスマイル」

My friend’s pittie has the most awkwardly adorable smile from r/toofers

8. ギザギザスマイル“

Razor sharp from r/toofers

9. 「証明写真では歯を見せてはいけません」

When posing for portrait, must show just a little teef. from r/toofers

10. ホリーの下歯スマイル

working at a dog daycare perk 657: Holly’s bottom teefers from r/toofers

11. ぼくも仲間に入れて!!

He really wants to sit up front and be part of the gang from r/toofers

12. 最高に幸せな時のガナーの笑顔

This is gunner and he is very happy we found this sub! from r/toofers

13. ワンコの穏やかな笑顔で今日もハッピー

The most important photo you will see all day. from r/AustralianShepherd

14.) 散歩に行きたい・・・

Fiberian Hufky from r/rarepuppers

15. 緊急子宮摘出手術の後の安堵の笑顔!

Babygirl is back to normal after her emergency hysterectomy!! from r/toofers

16. 18週齢のかわいい歯

18 week old toofers! from r/toofers



プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/the-floot