




1. 高いところに上るのは、猫だけとは限らない

Is this what people mean when they say their dog is broken? Asking for a friend. from r/aww

2. 「自分が外に出ている間、ドアを閉められるのがイヤな愛犬が考え出した解決策がコレ」

If she goes outside we shut the door and she hates it. So she keeps her butt inside to prevent this while she birdwatches. Meet Sofie. from r/aww

3. ブロッコリーが好きすぎるワンコ

Borkcoli from r/aww

4. 「掃除機をかけた後、ソファに愛犬専用の階段をうっかり戻し忘れたら…こんな顔された」

Am I a joke to you, Karen?

5. どうしても出たかったのね

Apparently we’ve adopted the Koolaid Man

6. 物真似上手

Whale you stand still Mr. Doggo? from r/aww

7. パっと見、どこにいるのか迷う

nothing to see here human from r/aww

8. 「今日帰宅すると…我が家のペットは犬1匹のはずだが」

Welcome home

9. 「母親の帰宅を(違う方向の)ドアの前でジッと待つ盲目の愛犬」

My blind dog was waiting for mom at the wrong door. Bless his heart. from r/aww

10. 汚れまくって大満足なお顔

Happy samoyeds after dirty walk from r/aww

11. なぜそこに入るのか

I just read a really messed up chapter in a horror book and this subreddit helped soothe my mind. Here’s a picture of my dog trying to help at gardening as my way to say thank you to everyone who submitted to this sub. from r/aww

12. 鶏の群れの中でご満悦そうなワンコ

A local farm where I live had trouble with their flock all wanting to sleep in the same house, each night they have to go break them up. The other night they found their dog had joined in from r/funny

13. 7羽と1匹の仲間たち

that is extremely cute from r/aww

14. その口。まさか、カモフラージュのつもりでは…

Day 21, no one suspects a thing. from r/aww

15. 「ご、ご主人様、まさかこの子を…?」

No way


プレビュー画像:©︎reddit/wideawaketheysleep, ©︎reddit/GardenerInAWar