





1. 影は正直

I’m sure this shadow became self-aware from r/pics

2. 裏では邪悪なアインシュタイン…

This Einstein poster casts a sinister shadow

3. 影ではねじれてる

Untangled wire, looped shadow from r/mildlyinteresting

4. 巨大ネズミとニャンコ

Deep down, Timmy has the spirit of a giant rat. from r/pics

5.  ドレミファ…


6. ヒィッ!縁起でもない!

Cheerful shadow from r/funny

7. 影ではまっすぐ

When your life is a mess but you can still keep up appearances from r/pics

8. 卓上にサウロン現る

Found the Eye of Sauron while wine tasting. from r/pics

9. 見れたらラッキー?ブロッケン現象

The shadow of my plane formed a rainbow around it

10. トラックの影が「Hi」と挨拶

This trucks shadow says “Hi” from r/mildlyinteresting

11. セクシー網タイツ体験

These fishnet stockings made from the table’s shadow from r/mildlyinteresting

12. 日食中の木陰

Shadows of leaves from a tree during a solar eclipse from r/pics

13. 影が作り出す二重螺旋

Shadow gives impression of infinite staircase from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 自転車の影の部分だけを残して溶けた雪

The sun melted the snow everywhere except where the bikes’ shadows were.

15. まるで別物、水に浮かぶ蜘蛛の影

This spiders reflection in a pool from r/mildlyinteresting

16. 圧巻!雲に投影された「マウントレーニア」標高4,392メートルの壮大な影(ワシントン州)

Mt Rainier Shadow

