




1. 森の外のフェンスに配達済み



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Ein Beitrag geteilt von One Straw Farm (@onestrawfarm) am

2. 同僚よ、これはないだろう…


I’m a carrier for USPS. I ordered my uniforms for the year a few days ago and this is how they arrived. So is this why we have a bad rep? from r/Wellthatsucks

3. 防犯カメラは見ていた!


Domino’s Pizza delivery guy caught eating topings from r/trashy

4. 真下にラックがあるのに…


Mailman consistently folds & jams magazines in box, ignores rack directly below from r/PeopleBeingJerks

5. これで配達済み…

「この半年で、スイスポストの荷物のうち3つが紛失。どれも「配達済み」 と表示されていたが、その理由がわかった」

Over the past six months, Canada Post has lost three packages for me, all of which it claims to have delivered. I think I discovered the reason why today. from r/canada

6. やばい!閉じ込められた!


This was just delivered. My door opens out. from r/mildlyinfuriating

7. まだ開いてもいないのに…


My book was delivered today… from r/mildlyinfuriating

8. 箱を開けたら…


The delivery guy stacked our pizzas on the side from r/mildlyinfuriating

9. 道路にピラッと


The way my package was delivered from r/mildlyinfuriating

10. ひどい落書き

「配達ドライバーがにやりと笑ったと妻が怒っていた。落書きを見るまでは訳がわからなかった。言っておくが、中身はどちらでもない」 (荷物には「Yarn(糸)」と「Sex Toys(セックストーイズ)」と書いてある)

Delivery guy was smirking. Wife was upset. I was confused until I saw the package. Just to be clear, it’s neither. from r/WTF

11. ショックで声が出ない


How the mailman delivered the vinyl I ordered from r/mildlyinfuriating

12. アイロンかけてくれ



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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Barry Giovinazzi (@sillybarry) am

13. 扱いが雑すぎる


This package was delivered to my house from r/mildlyinfuriating

14. 投げ込まれたのか?


So FedEx delivered my new TV .. from r/mildlyinfuriating

15. 雨の中の置き配


Thanks USPS from r/mildlyinfuriating


プレビュー画像: © Instagram/onestrawfarm