




1. 「フェニックスは救出されたとき、全身を熱いタールに覆われていました。1ヶ月後の凛々しい姿をみてください。人懐っこい猫なので、新しい家にもすっかり馴染んでいます」

Phoenix was rescued from the streets and was covered in hot tar. Little over a month later, he looks amazing, he loves humans and is ready to enter a loving home 🥰 from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

2. 「私たちのかわいいクストー。ニューオリンズの道端にいた痩せっぽっちの子猫。今では王子のように暮らしています」

Our sweet Cousteau! From a scrawny street kitty in New Orleans to a prince living in Paris ♥️ from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

3. 「2匹の兄弟は私が拾った時と同じように今もずっと離れない」

These two cat brothers were rescued from the street and they are as inseparable today as they were the day I found them from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption


My boy Yuzu was a stray found by a friend of mine with the worst case of scabies we’ve ever seen (we’re all vet students). He’s also had ear mites, fungal infections, stud tail, & recurrent ear and eye infections one after the other. One year and lots of treatments later and he’s perfectly healthy! from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

5. 「生まれてすぐに誰かに顎を蹴られたカイマナ。安楽死を勧められた。私はフルタイムで働いており世話ができなかったけど、ボーイフレンドが世話をしてくれた。昼は建設現場に連れて行き、夜も数時間おきに起きて食事をあげた。今では、すっかり美しく成長し幸せな猫に。(私たちも結婚しました!)」

Kai Mana had his jaw stepped on and would be put down. I worked full time and couldn’t commit to taking care of him. But my bf took him to get surgery, and fed him kitten formula through a syringe. He brought him to his construction job, and woke up every two hours for feedings. He’s happy today. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

6. 「キラは農場で発見された時、餓死寸前でした。1週間ご飯をあげて世話をしたら元気になった!そのまま一緒に暮らしています」

Kira was founded almost dead of starvation in a farm with cows. She was healthy in one week and we kept her. Summer 2018. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

7. 「2年前の今日、ペットショップに行った時、サニーという名前の猫に出会った。もう13歳で、ノミがたくさんいて痩せていて、歯もボロボロ。誰も飼う人がいなかったらしい。その日、サニーを家に連れて帰ったのは、私の人生で最高の決断」

2 years ago today I walked into a Petsmart and met a cat named Sonny who no one would adopt because he was 13 years old, covered in fleas, underweight, and had a mouth full of rotten teeth that had to be removed. He came home with me that night and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

8. 「2012年6月にごみの山でメルビンを見つけた。連れて帰ってきたその夜、彼は私の胸の上で眠ったの。6年経った今でも彼のお気に入りの場所はここ」

Melvin: Found in a trash heap in June 2012. He spent his first night in his forever home sleeping on me. Six years later, it’s still his favorite place to be. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

9. 「アルバスはカイロの路上で餓死寸前だった。他の野良猫たちからいじめられて、何も食べられなかったようだ。今では甘えん坊で信じられないほど愛情深い」

Albus was found abandoned and starving on the streets of Cairo. The strays wouldn’t let him eat. He’s now spoilt rotten and incredibly affectionate. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

10. 保護施設から連れ出した日のロードランナーと今の彼

Before and after fostering. Roadrunner on the day I got him from the shelter, and on the day he went to his new home. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

11. 「私と息子は散歩中に、捨てられてヨレヨレでノミだらけのバーリーを見つけた。最後の写真は拾ってから3ヶ月後。世界一かわいい子猫でしょう?」

This is Barley! My son and I found her by the road. She had been abandoned. So thin… covered in fleas. The last photo was 3 months after we found her. She’s simply the sweetest little cat ever. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

12. 「この子を施設から連れて帰ることに妻は反対だった。妻は高い治療費が必要なのでは?とか、すぐに死んでしまうのでは?と恐れていた。結局、彼に必要なのは食べ物とキスだけだった」

I had to fight my wife to not leave him at the shelter—she was concerned he’d either cost us a ton of money in vet bills or die soon since he was so sickly, turns out he just needed food and kisses from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

13. 「『この子の世話をするしかないね』と母が言ったのはもう5年前」

“We’re just going to foster him,” – my mother, in May of 2015 from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

14. 「ベンベンです。殺処分されそうだったのを養子にしたんだ」

This is BenBen. Before/After death row. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

15. 「病気で痩せっぽっちでノミだらけのセラを保護施設から引き取りました。今日は養子縁組1周年のお祝い!」

When I first saw her Sela was a sick, underweight, flea infested stray the local pound picked up. Today we celebrated her 1 year adoption day, matching party hats and all! from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

16. 「3年前の今日、怪我をして外で鳴いているところを発見されたダシ。今じゃ女王のように振る舞ってるよ」

3 years ago today, my fiancée found Dashi outside crying after getting injured by something. Nowadays, she likes to spend her time perched wherever she wants acting like the queen. from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

