




1. 「完璧なクロワッサンの断面」

The most perfect croissant I have ever seen. from r/oddlysatisfying

2. 「日差しを受けて幻想的に輝くごく普通のマルガリータ」

Normal Margaritas, perfect sunlight. from r/pics

3. 「お皿に完璧にフィット!」

The way this bread fit into my plate from r/oddlysatisfying

4. 「かつてない長さ、超ロングポテト」

My sister got a mega-fry in her meal. from r/mildlyinteresting

5. 「母が家庭菜園で育てたアヒルトマト」

A duck tomato from my mom’s garden from r/mildlyinteresting

6. 「缶詰スープにピッタリ!」

Apparently I found the perfect bowl for my can of soup… from r/mildlyinteresting

7. 「こう見えて、トマトです」

This tomato is solid from r/oddlysatisfying

8. 「スムージーを作ったら、表面張力でなんとか全て収まった」

I made exactly the right volume of smoothie from r/oddlysatisfying

9. リンゴの中の完璧な星型

I made exactly the right volume of smoothie from r/oddlysatisfying

10. 「レストランでもらった食べれるバラ」

I made exactly the right volume of smoothie from r/oddlysatisfying

11. 「我が家の鶏が産んだ完璧に丸い卵」

My chicken laid a perfectly round egg a few months ago from r/mildlyinteresting

12. スイカに描かれた美しいモザイク模様(植物ウイルスの一種モザイク病によるもの)

This watermelon I saw in the store had a strange pattern. from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 「レモンで密閉!」

Perfect lemon seal (X-Post from /r/mildlyinteresting) from r/oddlysatisfying

14.  「スムージーを作ったら、不思議な形状に」

My smoothie made an interesting design after I blended it. from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 「オニオンリングが描く♩」

This onion ring shaped like a perfect treble clef from r/mildlyinteresting

16. 完璧なカット

This avocado is perfectly cut from r/mildlyinteresting

17. 「美しい対象の模様を描くスイカ」

The cross section of this watermelon revealed a very satisfying pattern. from r/mildlyinteresting

18. 「畑から収穫し驚異のニンジン」

This incredible carrot hand was found while digging juice carrots at our farm today from r/mildlyinteresting

19.「 割った卵の中から小さな卵が!」

Egg I cooked this morning had a smaller egg inside from r/mildlyinteresting


プレビュー画像:©︎reddit/computer_addiction, ©︎reddit/Qwikscopeyourcouch69