



1.  バスタブにシロクマ

At the time of washing he looks like a polar bear from r/aww

2. 生卵…と見せかけて桃缶です

3. 銀河の誕生?ではなくクラゲ

This Jellyfish I caught a picture of, looking like it’s in space. from r/mildlyinteresting

4. 冒険ファンタジー世界の地図かと思いきや、ただの蛇口のサビ

The corrosion on this water tap looks like a map from r/mildlyinteresting

5. 新種のカタツムリ!卵マイマイ

This boiled egg that exploded while cooking and looks like a snail. from r/mildlyinteresting

6. まるで木のような目の血管…ヒィー

High definition photo of the blood vessels in the human eye look eerily like a forest. from r/woahdude

7. 宇宙船の内部?と思わせておいて、実はチーズおろし器の内部

inside a cheese grater from r/interestingasfuck

8. ミニブロントサウルス?いいえ、アカハナグマです

Um bando de mini dinossauros atravessando uma calçada no sul do país from r/brasil

9. エクスプロード!!な風貌のカリフラワー焼きすぎちゃった系

My friend’s smoked cauliflower looks like an explosion. from r/mildlyinteresting

10. 歯磨き粉モンキー

A bit of toothpaste that looks like a baby monkey holding onto my toothbrush from r/mildlyinteresting

11. ヒィッ!ホラー映画の拷問現場のようなブラッドオレンジジューサー

Processing blood oranges looks like a B horror movie prop from r/mildlyinteresting

12. 鳥のヒナのような植物

These flowers look like a group of tiny 3D-rendered chickens wearing glasses and holding a cake from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 山の頂に、トカゲ

The snow on top of this mountain that looks like a lizard from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 宙に浮かぶ羽毛、ではなく雲

This cloud that looks like a feather from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 氷のような眼差し

This ice looks like an eye from r/mildlyinteresting

16. 銀河系雌牛

My friends cow looks like outer space. from r/pics

17. 牧草の干し草と見るか、穴と見るか

This bale of hay looks like a hole in the ground from r/woahdude

18. もはやイチゴにしか見えん、トマトの内側

The inside of this tomato looks like a strawberry. from r/mildlyinteresting


プレビュー画像:©️reddit/attheisstt, ©️Pinterest/boredpanda.com